Header image Whidbey Island Orchestra

The Whidbey Island Orchestra was formed in 2007 to provide quality musical experiences
for young and adult musicians of Whidbey Island and for our community.

Joining the Orchestra

No audition is required to join the Whidbey Island Orchestra. Members should be able to play their instrument, and read musical notation, at an intermediate level or above. If you are unsure about your ability please email our conductor, James Hinkley, at conductor@whidbeyorchestras.org .

Adult members pay dues ($35 per program). See Info for Members for details.

Students through high school are included 'on scholarship'. They do not pay fees, but are expected to contribute time and/or talent to further the orchestra's activities.

No one is excluded from participating in the Whidbey Island Orchestra because of inability to pay. Musicians for whom the tuition would preclude participation should contact a Board member or the conductor.

All members are expected to consistently attend rehearsals, to be in their seats ready to play at the scheduled rehearsal time, and to show good rehearsal attention.

Whidbey Island Orchestra is a volunteer organization. We ask all members to contribute time and/or talent along with their musical abilities. Some things you can do to help the orchestra are listed on the Info for Members page.


Skylark is an ensemble of Whidbey Island Orchestra members who welcome an opportunity to perform in a small-group setting. Typically, these will be experienced musicians who would like to perform additional music, beyond the full orchestra concerts. Skylark was formed in 2023 as a “labor of love” by Music Director Cynthia Morrow.

Skylark musicians are chosen by the Conductor from the active members of Whidbey Island Orchestra. No additional musician dues will be collected for participation in Skylark. Solo performers will be drawn from Skylark members. Skylark will present concerts independent of the full orchestra, and may also perform as part of the full orchestra concerts.

As a component of the Whidbey Island Orchestra, Skylark shares its mission to foster a positive musical experience for its musician members and for our local community. We perform for the love of music and for the opportunity to spread the joy of music to Whidbey Island audiences.

Orchestra musicians who wish to join Skylark should contact the Conductor.