Header image Whidbey Island Orchestra

The Whidbey Island Orchestra was formed in 2007 to provide quality musical experiences
for young and adult musicians of Whidbey Island and for our community.

Next Concert: Christmas Concert

December 13 and 15

First rehearsal October 10


Scores - Skylark

Member fees/ dues/ tuition

Although donations are growing, they do not cover the costs of maintaining the orchestra. Principal expenses are: insurance, conductors, concert costs (venue, programs, posters, soloist/arranger, publicity) music aquisition and storage. We have no paid staff. Business affairs of the orchestra are conducted by the Executive Director, Board of Trustees and other unpaid volunteers.

The orchestra is the only opportunity on South Whidbey for school-age musicians to participate in a professionally-conducted orchestral experience. In the Whidbey Island Orchestra, youth in primary and secondary school participate in the orchestra 'on scholarship' - that is, they do not pay fees. We encourage adult members to donate funds to the scholarship fund.

The mission of the orchestra is to provide musicians an oppportunity to play in an organized fashion. As part of that mission, we believe that no one should be prevented from participating because of financial need. If you are truly unable to afford the musician fees for the orchestra, please contact a member of the Board of Trustees or the conductor/music director to arrange a waiver of the fees.

For simplicity and consistency, the Board has set members dues at $35 per musician per program, where a program is a set of pieces played at one or two closely-spaced concerts. This is a bit of a reduction from the previous schedule. Additional immediate family members playing the same program(s) are charged $17.50 each. Members can pay fees by giving a check or cash to the Treasurer or Secretary at a rehearsal, by mail at PO Box 1451, Freeland WA 98249 (these options save the orchestra the PayPal processing fee), or by using this form to pay via PayPal:

PayPal Options
Comments (optional):


The Whidbey Island Orchestra could not exist without the volunteer efforts of its members. Each member, particularly those 'on scholarship', should offer some degree of time, talent, or effort toward the activities of the orchestra.

Volunteer Opportunities include:

HighNotes newsletter - content and preparation

Social Media: Facebook, Snapchat, emerging platforms

Music Library - cataloging scores, organizing in storage locker; music aquisition

Publicity - poster and program design and content; picking up and folding/stuffing programs; poster distribution; Drew's List and other community calendar entries

Website content and coding

Concert activities: Greeting/program handout, minding the donation jars, accepting credit card donations

Concert venues: Finding and negotiating concert dates/venues; stage setup and breakdown

Recruiting new musicians

Audio/video recordings

Board activities:

Setting Mission

Working with Music Director on concert themes and pieces

Negotiating Conductor and Executive Director contracts

Contracts and payments: Executive Director, post office box, storage locker, conductors, website domain name and hosting, insurance, PayPal, Amazon Smiles, Network for Good, vendors, venues

Corporation and Financial records, analysis, and reporting - IRS, WA Sec'y of State

Membership list